Complementing cancer treatment / Past Webinars • Breast Cancer Foundation NZ


Past Webinar

Complementing cancer treatment

This webinar investigates the complementary therapies recommended for breast cancer treatment and how to choose an evidence-based practice.

Complementary and integrative therapies abound in this day and age, but how do you know if it's safe to use with cancer treatment? Where can you find trustworthy evidence in choosing a therapy? What sort of therapies work well with breast cancer treatment?

In this webinar, our expert panel discusses complementary therapies and how to choose one that is effective, safe and supports your treatment.

Meet your panel

Professor Shaun Holt is a doctor, researcher and author of the book, Complementary Therapies for Cancer: What works, what doesn't... and how to tell the difference. He shares the research behind evidence-based therapies.

Trish Melville is the clinical services manager at Auckland's Dove House. She shares how complementary therapies can help cancer patients and how to talk to your medical team about them.

Sarah Gandy is a broadcaster and BCFNZ ambassador. She shares her experience of the complementary therapies she used to help manage side effects and recover from treatment.

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