I’ve been diagnosed


I’ve been diagnosed

After diagnosis, you can take practical steps to prepare yourself for what’s to come.

This can include sorting out wigs and headwear and looking into breast prostheses. You could find out what financial support you’re eligible for, and decide what you need to talk to your doctor, your family, and your employer about.

Where to next?

A breast cancer diagnosis can be overwhelming. We've put together a list of questions to help you understand the best next steps for you.

Communicating to friends & family

A significant step after your breast cancer diagnosis is communicating the news to others. Who and what you tell – and when – is entirely up to you.

Are you eligible for financial support?

Personal costs can increase when you start treatment. There are several sources of financial assistance available from the government – find out which ones you’re eligible for.

Letting work know

How should you go about telling work? We've put together some tips to help you have those difficult, but essential, conversations.

Breast prostheses

A breast prosthesis aims to restore a balanced appearance after breast cancer surgery. There are different types of prostheses, and there’s a Ministry of Health subsidy available to help you purchase yours.

Wigs and headwear

Some chemotherapy treatments can make your hair fall out. If you’re interested in purchasing a wig, scarf or hat, the Ministry of Health provides a subsidy to help you do so.


Webinar: Newly diagnosed? What you need to know

There's a lot to figure out after a diagnosis of breast cancer. Our webinar discusses what you can expect on your breast cancer journey.

Talk to others who understand what you’re going through

Join mybc, our online breast cancer community.